Step-by-step instructions for securing your Binance account.
Binance is a cryptocurrency exchange that offers a trading platform for a variety of digital currencies.In terms of trading volume, Binance was the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world. Changpeng Zhao, a developer who had previously built high-frequency trading software, established Binance.
Security is a top priority at Binance. While we do everything we can to keep your account safe, you also have the ability to significantly improve its security.
- Two-Factor Authentication should be enabled (2FA)
After creating a Binance account, one of the first things you should do is activate Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Binance accepts two forms of two-factor authentication: SMS and Google Authentication. We suggest Google Authenticator above the other two. Simply make a note of your reset key in case you need to move your 2FA credentials to a new phone.
2. Review the list of devices that have been given permission to access your account.
In the Device Management tab, always double-check the devices that have access to your Binance account. This tab can be found under the “Account” menu in the Binance app.
Remove any gadgets that you don’t recognize or that you don’t use any more. Once you’ve removed a device from your account, it won’t be able to access it again.
3. Use a strong password that you update on a regular basis.
For each of your online accounts, you should create strong and unique passwords. This is especially true for valuable items, such as your bitcoin exchange account. These passwords should ideally be longer than eight characters and include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
Having a strong password is a good start, but it doesn’t guarantee your security. It’s also a good idea to update your passwords on a frequent basis, as criminals may find a method to get your passwords anyhow. This is true not only for your Binance account, but also for the email address connected with it.
4. Set an Anti-Phishing Code
The Anti-Phishing Code on Binance is straightforward. You create your own unique code, which you will get through email every time you connect into the Binance exchange and every time you withdraw your exchange cash. It’s merely a preventive measure to ensure that you’ve signed into the proper and authentic Binance website.
Get your Binance account for free by clicking on the link below.
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